More videos

Ellie eating and talking, Vivienne’s invitations, Ellie rides to William Tell, Ellie’s stool trick, Joseph and Ellie make cookies, Decorating Vivienne’s cake, Vivienne opens presents (again) (and again) (and again), Vivienne’s treasure hunt, Treasure hunt part 2, Vivienne and Ellie dancing, Cute sisters, Vivienne’s first book, Patty cake (again), Double double, Vivienne reciting a Bible verse, Daniel reciting a Bible verse, Ellie doing patty cake, Joseph recites Bible verses, Vivienne narrating, Ellie narrating, Daniel narrating, Joseph narrating, Vivienne narrating, Daniel counting, Vivienne counting, Joseph skip-counting, Vivienne singing, Ellie singing, Joseph singing a skip-counting song, Daniel sings the itsy-bitsy spider, Vivienne brachiating, Joseph brachiating, Daniel jumps and counts, Vivienne shows trampoline tricks, Vivienne shows monkey bar tricks, Ellie and Daniel climb on Bappe, Ellies counts “six!”, Vivienne jumps down the stairs, Daniel jumps down the stairs.

More videos

Decorating the Christmas tree, Advent calendar experiments, Daniel plays Big Brainz, The kids decorate Christmas cookies, Joseph plays B-I-B-E-L on the piano (again, with a rag on his head), Joseph plays his own composition, The kids open their stockings, Ellie’s stocking gift, Christmas breakfast, Ellie’s Toblerone, Ellie and Daniel play with streamers (again), Vivienne’s tea party challenge (again) (and again) (and again), Joseph’s tea party challenge (again) (and again) (and again), Ellie’s tea party challenge, The kids break out the streamers (again), Vivienne dances with her streamer, Joseph joins in, and so does Daniel.

Daniel was sick for the tea party challenge, which is why there are no challenge videos for him. There are no repeat challenges: “again” means a fresh challenge. I just got type-lazy.

Ron, meet Kafka

King Ron is running into all sorts of trouble.  He’s now stuck in some sort of Catch-22 where the book’s status is Proof Review, i.e. it tells me I need to review the proof to get the book published.

Status: Proof Review

Status: Proof Review

But when I click on the link to take me there, this is what it shows:

Proof Approved!

Proof Approved!

And I can open the digital proofer, and approve it, but nothing changes.  So King Ron remains in an “out-of-print” limbo on…

First Picture Book Self-Published!

Welcome, King Ron of the Triceratops! The kindle version will go on a $0.00 special tomorrow, November 6th, for five days: be sure to pick it up!

The illustrations are by Milagros García of Venezuela, which encapsules the way globalization makes such ventures possible.  It was great working with her (through fiverr) and the story’s improved because of her contributions that went beyond mere illustrating.

The paperback is currently not available for ordering because the folks at CreateSpace thought I might have been trying to publish copyrighted material.  Even though they’ve since written they’d remove the suppression within the next 24 hours, it’s been over that much and the paperback is still suppressed.

Oh well.  I’m sure it’ll show up – I’d just hoped to get it to print sooner because it’s somewhat election-themed.

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Second third of January 2016 (which are half the month’s videos).

Vivienne gets a birthday tea set, Vivienne and Joseph inspect the tea set, Vivienne gets her ballet dress, Vivienne puts it to use, Vivienne blows out her candles, Vivienne knocks over a tower, Daniel crosses the balance beam, Daniel isn’t ready to go solo, Vivienne goes solo with a flourish, Ellie stands by the coffee table, Ellie eats melon, Ellie stands by the other coffee table, Balance beam cruising, Ellie creeps up a ramp, Ellie pulls herself up, Joseph records Ellie creeping, and Ellie creeps toward the camera.

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February 2016:

Ellie won’t knock over her tower, still won’t, Entertaining Ellie, House band, Dan and Ellie breakfast, Vivienne tries tap dancing, Ellie laughing, Joseph’s solar system, Ellie pulling herself up, Daniel does the States puzzle, Joseph in sunglasses, Joseph flashback, Daniel does the States puzzle (full puzzle, >14min), Ellie and Daniel play together, Biking on Chriesiweg (again), Ellie and Joseph play together, Fun in the kids’ room, and some Bible reading.

With this sort of telescoped review, Ellie’s changes in particular stand out all the more.

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March videos:

Vivienne does ballet, Ellie starts cruising, Ellie pulls down a puzzle, Daniel sings the States song, Ellie about to do something dangerous, Tour of our house, Jingle bells variations, Daniel and Ellie interact, Daniel gets distracted from showing Utah, Daniel goofs off singing the States song, Is that Georgia?, Daniel is Ellie, Handstand helper, Rabbit scene, and the Grand Old Duke of York.

Ok.  52 more videos for February and January.